Keeping a close track of your money is always important, as losing track of it is a proposition that will cost you dearly. At the same time, we’ve grown past calculators and yellow pads for monthly budgets; computers make everything easier now, and you should exploit them as best you can. However, that isn’t to say you simply replaced a tangible yellow pad with a digital one. There are actual software now that are designed to keep track of these finances for you. Some of them even have features that allow you to make schedules of that expenditure. So to help out in saving cash, why not turn to the best financial software out there.
10. Koku![10.Koku](
Priced at around $30, this little app is more made for people who have to be accurate in their expenditures around the house and home. It can’t really go beyond tracking the money in your bank and your wallet, but it is sure to handle such matter accurately. At the same time, it also follows hundreds of banks, which helps when you really need to figure out whether or not you can afford that new pair of shoes.
9. Cashcalculator![9.Cashcalculator](
For people that live on a nearly shoe-string budget but have a decent enough income stream, Cashcalculator tracks the flow, and suggests smarter decisions to counter act bad cash investments. It takes into account the expenses you make each month, and cross calculates it with your income. This is to ensure that it has the most accurate outcomes for each time you use it, and costs pretty much the same as Koku does.
8. Simplibudget![8.Simplibudget](
Users that maintain a personal collection of all devices should get a kick out of this app. The program boasts more connectivity, as it exploits the iCloud to maintain an accurate and up to date preview of your expenses on most of your Apple products. It also features a fully interactive system of charts that can be manipulated to show the best possible choices you can take. Everything else is standard, as it contains your savings, expenses, and the amount of income you make in a month.
7. iFinance![7.iFinance](
Yet another paid app, iFinance takes a more professional approach to app budgeting and financing. It can be used in the office, as well as for personal use and has a more detailed structure when it comes to budgeting and accounting for all your expenses. It also boasts full interactivity through reports and charts. You can also export data between your devices so that you can keep track of all your accounts with relative ease.
6. MoneyWell![6.MoneyWell](
This program isn’t going to come cheap; it’s priced at a steep $50. However, it is efficient in keep track of your budgets and income and is fully capable of controlling the accounts of a small business. It isn’t as highly rated as its brethren, but it is worth a look as it does feature fast calculations while budgets are being created and altered. The program can be used as a personal finance tool, but you lose out on a lot of features.
5. iCash SE![5.iCash SE](
iCash has a lot more to do with company finances. While it does its best under small business as opposed to bigger companies, it can still handle multiple accounts with relative ease. The app is priced at $50, however, the features heavily outweigh the dollars you’re going to throw into as it covers all the needs you might seek out in financial software. It’s also got some heavy weight power when it comes to handling your accounts and budgets with speed and precision, which is exactly what you would want out of this kind of software.
4. Home Bank![4.Home Bank](
This program is another one of those freeware apps that you can easily exploit in managing your cash. At the same time, it allows users who have almost zero experience to exploit it without complicating any of the processes in budgeting your cash. It’s available online for free on most major operating systems, so you should take a look at it while you can.
3. Money Manager Ex![3.Money Manager Ex](
Yet another piece of freeware, Money Manager Ex is a program that is sure to catch your attention. While it doesn’t have a lot of the bells and whistles other apps do, it still manages to tell you exactly where your money is at all times because everything you need to know is pasted right in front of you. The program is still in experimental stages for the Mac OS X, but it’s a program that’s worth a look when it does come out.
2. MoneyDance![2.MoneyDance](
This program carries a bit of a legacy with it because it remains one of the best financial apps to come out on any Apple product. The app tracks accounts with nearly hundreds of financial institutions, and also allows you to make payments through the app itself. It really streamlines the process of financial control, and will undoubtedly help you make the best choice with your money.
1. Money![1.Money](
Money, while being limited a bit, can still be a powerful tool around a small office, and when dealing with your personal budget. It boasts many of the same features that programs on this list boast, and comes an easy and intuitive user interface. While it streamlines a lot of your cash, it also streamlines control, which is integral for that fast paced interaction between you and your bank account. Using simple swipes and touches bring you quickly through each menu, and it’s still being updated today.
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